CHINA-Drinking tea regularly at least three times a week reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by 20%, and the risk of death from all causes by 15%.
Chinese scientists analyzed the habits and health status of 100,902 people with no history of heart attack, stroke, or cancer. They were divided into groups that drank tea more than three times a week, and groups that did not have the habit of drinking tea. Follow-up period lasted 7.3 years.
As a result, people who drink tea regularly are healthier and live longer. Analyzes show that people in their 50s who regularly drink tea have coronary heart disease and stroke 1.4 years later, and live 1.26 years longer than people of the same age who drink little or no tea.
According to Dr. Dongfen Gu, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the main biologically active compounds in tea are not stored in the body for long. Therefore, maintaining the habit of drinking tea for a long time is necessary to promote the cardiovascular protective effect of tea.
Drinking tea at least three times a week helps your body stay healthy and live longer. Photo: Making Food
"Among teas, green tea has the best effect," said Dr. Xinyan Wang, from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. "Green tea is rich in polyphenols, natural chemicals that help the body fight cardiovascular diseases and risk factors such as high blood pressure and dyslipidemia."
New research results were published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology on January 9.
The study authors said they will conduct randomized trials on drinking and lifestyle guidelines to further clarify the study results.